Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Torn Brachialis playin rugby plse help?

hit my arm on something(around the bicep area).When i got home it was really painful.So i went 2 hospital,It had swollen up hugely.Anyway it was 2 big and bruised to look for damage and was sent away It wasnt right a couple of days later,2 the extent i have trouble lifting my arm and cant straighten it past 90 degrees. So i went back to hospital, got lots of consultations x-rays etc.Eventually i got an ultrasound,it was hard 2 see anything because of the m of internal bleeding but then a torn brachialis was spotted.They didnt seem to bothered and i went home being told to come back in 2 weeks and have one more ultrasound.So im goin back next thursday and i still cant straighten it past 90 degrees, this was another reason the ultrasound was so awkward.Im worried at the rate my arms healing and am unsure my arm is getting any easier to straigten.The ski season is a month away and im fearing my arm will still be messed.I was looking for excersises or something 2 speed up the healin ty

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