Saturday, November 5, 2011

Is it always going to be like this?

I'm tired of everything. I am tired of working. I am so sick of the repetition in my life I could scream. I DO scream. I cry. I need to get the **** out of this town. I am just so comfortable in the situation I am in, it is hard to leave the area. I have a job that pays wells, but its dead end, a nice car, nice house, ALL material possessions. It's like I try to fill a void of happiness with material possessions. Causing more un happiness in the long run. I'm just so depressed. I have no health insurance, and max out the sliding scales when it comes to doctors medical help is out of the question. I just want to leave, and I am so afraid of change. I am afraid it will never get better. I don't want to wake up in 30 years, looking back at my life thinking, WOW I could have been something, or done something with my life. I just don't know how much more I can take. I know I just need to get up and do something about it, it is just so hard. I need my GED. I am studying slowly. I just don't even know what I would pursue if I went to college. And god knows, I don't have money to waste going to college trying to figure it out. Just feel helpless.

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