Friday, November 11, 2011

Would she forget me ?

hello there, i tried very hard to get my gf back and i did get her back last friday. and now my gf has gone on holiday to spain for 10days yesterday. she text me last nite and i rung her and told her that i hope she haves a good holiday so on. im just waiting for my princess to text me today and she hasnt. Should i text her to see if she is having a good time or should i give it untill tommorow or wednsday untill i text her ???? why am i worried that when she comes back she might leave me or might not want to be with me anymore ??? is this me being stupid ??? i can stop thinking about her i miss her!!! why am i thinkin that she mite finish wid me when she gets back ?? i love her to bits and i dont want to lose her. i feel as if tho me not texting her or rining her will make her grow further apart from me?? what should i do please help

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